08 Jul 2024

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR): What’s on the horizon? 

Dreaming of sun, pristine sea or majestic mountains? We are too! But bear with us for a last PPWR update before a well-deserved summer break. In April, we told you that EU Institutions had found a preliminary agreement on PPWR. The EU lawyer-linguists have since been busy reviewing, correcting and translating a 300+ pages long and very technical text.

The outcome? Yet to be seen, but the final version of the agreement should be put to vote in the newly elected EU Parliament somewhere between September or October 2024, when the Parliament plenary should rubber stamp the preliminary agreement under the corrigendum procedure. If everything goes according to plan, then EU Member States will also approve the text, formally concluding negotiations on the file under the Hungarian Presidency. The PPWR will then enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the EU Official Journal, and most requirements will apply as early as 18 months following the date of entry into force.

Are we getting ready? Of course! As we continue deepening our understanding of a complex text (see our carrousels and LinkedIn live webinars here, here and here), we are also preparing for the avalanche of secondary legislation and guidance documents that will clarify the application of the regulation. The extensive work required to develop and adopt numerous implementing and delegated acts necessitates massive efforts from regulators to enable a smooth and timely implementation of the text. EUROPEN stands ready to support through the involvement of our industry experts, assisting regulators in any way necessary to achieve a successful implementation of the Regulation!


04 March 2024: The co-legislators reach a provisional agreement on PPWR
16 April 2024: Approval of the PPWR provisional agreement by the EU Parliament
April - June 2024: Lawyer-linguists review


Q3/ Q4 2024: Expected endorsement of the text by newly elected EU Parliament and EU Council